« Spanje: Met “Sumar” naar vernieuwde linkse politiek


20 July 2022 – Washington, DC – U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty J. Walsh hosts MOU Signing ceremony with Labor Minister Yolanda Diaz Perez of Spain. .***Official Department of Labor Photograph***.Photographs taken by the federal government are generally part of the public domain and may be used, copied and distributed without permission. Unless otherwise noted, photos posted here may be used without the prior permission of the U.S. Department of Labor. Such materials, however, may not be used in a manner that imply any official affiliation with or endorsement of your company, website or publication.. .Photo Credit: Department of Labor.Shawn T Moore

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      °1948 Enkele stipmomenten… Kind en tiener Ik ben geboren in Merksem. Ik behoor tot wat men noemt, de babyboomgeneratie of de eerste
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